9 Deptford Church Street, London SE8 4RX | (+44) 0208 692 2277 | enquiries@actionforcd.co.uk

Action for Community Development (AfCD)

Empowering Individuals ● Developing Communities


How to Apply

  1. Please fill out the application form below
  2. Action for Community Development is an equal opportunity employer and invites applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply. Please also complete AfCD’s Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

    Apply for a Vacancy

    1. Personal Details




    2. Declaration

    As part of our recruitment and equality monitoring processes we will collect and store sensitive data about you via our Monitoring Form below.

    We are required by law to obtain your consent to such data being recorded. Sensitive data is defined as information relating to any of the following: ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, health, sexuality or sex life, offences and/or convictions.

    Statement to be signed by the applicant below

    By signing this form I give my consent to sensitive personal information being recorded and stored under the Data Protection Act 1998 on the understanding that it will be to determine my suitability for this post and to provide monitoring and statistical information on recruitment and equalities at ARE.

    Sections 1 and 2 are not seen by the interviewing panel

    3. Employment and/or volunteering history

    For each employer or voluntary position held please list details of the name & address of the employer, position held & brief summary of achievements, start date, end date and reason for leaving.

    Start with the current or most recent employer or voluntary position followed by previous employers or voluntary positions (List in reverse chronological order) *

    4. Education/qualifications

    Please list schools, colleges, universities or other institutions attended, stating the name of institution, study dates, subject, qualification and grade for each of them, giving the most recent first. *

    Training and development

    Please use the space below to give details of any training or non-qualification based development which is relevant to the post and supports your application, including professional qualifications. State the date, institution/trainer and course details for each for them. *

    5. Information in support of your application


    We want to know why you're interested in becoming a Community Development & Engagement Officer. Please use the space below to tell us about how your experience in life, work and/or education has made you suitable for this post, limiting it to 1x page of A4 max. *

    6. References

    Please provide details of two referees who should not be related to you. At least one should be a present or most recent employer or, if appropriate, a tutor. *

    First Referee

    Second Referee

    * Required field

    Equal opportunities monitoring

    Action for Community Development wants to meet the aims and commitments set out in its equality policy. This includes not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010, and building an accurate picture of the make-up of the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity.

    The organisation needs your help and co-operation to enable it to do this, but filling in this form is voluntary. The information provided will be kept confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only.

      Fill this in as part of the role you are applying for

      Asian: BangladeshiAsian: ChineseAsian: IndianAsian: PakistaniAsian: Any other Asian backgroundBlack: AfricanBlack: CaribbeanBlack: Any other Black backgroundMixed: Asian & WhiteMixed: Black African & WhiteMixed: Black Caribbean & WhiteMixed: Any other mixed ethnic backgroundWhite: British/English/Northern Irish/Scottish/WelshWhite: Gypsy or Irish TravellerWhite: RomaWhite: Any other White backgroundOther: ArabOther: Latin AmericanOther: Any other ethnic backgroundPrefer not to say

      ManWomanNon-binaryPrefer to self describePrefer not to say

      YesNoPrefer not to say

      16-2425-3435-4445-5455-64Prefer not to say


      The Equality Act 2010 defines a person with a disability as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

      An effect is considered "substantial" if it is more than minor or trivial.

      An effect is considered "long-term" if it has lasted for at least 12 months, it is likely to last for at least 12 months, or it is likely to last for the rest of the life of the person.

      Normal day-to-day activities are not defined in the Act, but in general they are things that people do on a regular or daily basis, such as eating, walking, reading and writing.

      Disabilities protected by the Equality Act include mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, learning difficulties such as dyslexia, neuro-behavioural conditions such as autism, and health conditions such as cancer and diabetes.

      YesNoPrefer not to say

      * Required field